Introducing fisiocrem sponsored athlete Robyn, a 72-year-old running enthusiast based in sunny Queensland.

Robyn’s favourite activity at present is running, specifically parkruns. Robyn and her husband do a lot of travelling and completed several parkruns in Tasmania recently.

Robyn’s biggest achievement is completing the Queenstown Marathon at age 67 and securing first place in her age category. Robyn says, “I hadn’t run before, but I thought I would like to be involved.” Since then, she’s run several marathons on the Gold Coast, Noosa, Sunshine Coast and New Zealand. Robyn’s first Gold Coast Marathon involved her running in a Charity Group called Hummingbird House (a hospital for terminally ill children). 

Robyn says her biggest supporter is, “My daughter Rebecca, who initially pushed me into running 10 years ago. Along with my husband Shane, who is an amputee and can’t run but supports me in my running.” Robyn says, “I have now run 156 parkruns which I thoroughly love doing. It helps with my regular event training.” Her grandkids also support her running journey because they love having a nanny who runs. 

Robyn says, “I conquered my Gold Coast Marathon goals earlier this month all thanks to my training, it really paid off.” She ran the 5km race and placed 3rd in her age group. Afterwards, she participated in the 10km race, achieving a personal best and securing 1st place in her age category. She didn’t expect these results with so many runners competing across the race weekend. Robyn aims to reach Perth by the end of the year with her virtual run around Australia. She’s also considering participating in another event later in the year to push her limits.


Robyn’s top recovery tips are, “Hydration, definitely some form of stretching, rest and good nutrition to keep the body moving.”