Introducing fisiocrem sponsored athlete Matilda, a 26-year-old based on the Gold Coast, who is an age group triathlete competing in amateur level races throughout the year. Matilda’s favourite activity is triathlons. She is planning her upcoming events for the year and aiming to smash a PB time.

Matilda is currently training for the half marathon at the Gold Coast Marathon. She plans to achieve this goal by gradually increasing her mileage, focusing on consistent, steady improvements. Held every March, she has participated in this event for three consecutive years. She says, “It’s one of the bigger races with a great atmosphere, lots of people, and a strong sense of community.” Mentally, she reminds herself of all the work she has done to get to this point, focusing on the process and believing in her ability to succeed.

A memorable experience for Matilda was finishing the Noosa Tri for the first time. It was her first Olympic distance triathlon, taking over three hours to complete. Matilda says, “Crossing the finish line, just six months after starting in the sport, was an unforgettable and incredibly rewarding moment.”

She trains with a coach and a training club, where they motivate and support each other. Her coach, Marcus, pushes and supports everyone to achieve their goals. Matilda says her biggest supporter is, “My coach and family, they are always motivating me to be my best and cheer me over the finish line.”


Matilda’s top recovery tips are, “To actually take the time to stop and recover. My favourite thing is to go home, just chill out, lie down and rest.”