Introducing fisiocrem sponsored athlete Carmen, a dedicated mum pushing hard towards her goals and participating in multiple sporting activities.

Carmen’s favourite activities are running and functional training at her local F45. She has found a great balance in her fitness journey and is shifting her focus from triathlons to Hyrox. She says, “I’ve learned that missing training sessions is a normal part of life with young kids.”

Carmen’s most treasured run was the Two Oceans Half Marathon in Cape Town, South Africa. She was mesmerised by the natural scenery, especially as she watched the sunrise over the Table Mountains. However, Sydney holds a special place in her heart, as it is where she completed her very first marathon.⁠ 

Carmen’s biggest fitness achievement is completing her first marathon in 2023, the Sydney Marathon (42.2 km). It was an incredible experience, especially considering the challenges she faced along the way. During her training, she had to balance her preparation with the demands of raising three kids under five and supporting her husband, who had just started a new company. They also bought a new house and moved mid-training block. Carmen focused significantly on mentally preparing for the infamous 35 km wall that everyone warned her about, and she was proud that her grit and mental strength helped her get through the marathon without feeling like she hit that wall. On race day, she encountered a setback, spending 40 minutes hobbling to a medical tent to strap her ankle, yet she still finished under her goal time, with an official time of 5:42:07, despite a heatwave. Additionally, Carmen raised over $1,000 for ‘At The Ark Inc’ her charity of choice, making the journey even more meaningful. The support from Daniel and their kids (Leo, Isla, and Cruz), her coach Zac, and her friend Kylie, who ran alongside her, played a crucial role in her success. It was a day filled with challenges, but crossing the finish line felt like the culmination of her hard work and dedication.

Carmen says her biggest supporters are, “My husband Daniel, my children and my coach Zac. They all inspire me and keep fueling my passion for running. Along with my friend Kylie who cheers me on each race.”

Preparing for a race involves both mental and physical strategies for Carmen. Physically, she follows a well-structured training plan tailored by her coach, which helps her build the necessary endurance and strength. Mentally, she spends a lot of time visualising the race and focusing on overcoming any negative self-talk that may arise, silencing that inner critic.

Carmen says, “I remind myself of the hard work I’ve put in and the support I have from my family and friends.”


Carmen’s top recovery tips are, “Listen to your body! Ensure you have high-protein meals, enough sleep and time to relax during a busy race weekend.”