Topical anti-inflammatory creams and ointments have become increasingly popular for their potential to alleviate localised inflammation and provide temporary relief. Inflammation, whether due to injury, mild arthritis, or other conditions, can cause discomfort and hinder daily activities.

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is a cellular response that follows trauma to vessels. Inflammation is described as an essential stage in the process of repairing and responding to injuries, during which the vessels are disrupted. There are two types of pain caused by inflammation they are either acute or chronic inflammation (Scott, A. 2004). 

The body’s initial response to an infection or trauma is called an acute inflammatory response. This response is the human body’s first line of defence against danger (Kumar, R., Clermont, G., Vodovotz, Y., & Chow, C. 2004). Acute inflammation is generally short-lived, with inflammation generally disappearing within hours or days.

Joint Ease Bathroom 3 3000x

Mild Arthritis

Inflammation is a widespread issue affecting countless individuals. Mild arthritis is a common condition that is associated with inflammation. Mild arthritis leads to painful inflammation of the joints, resulting in restricted mobility and reduced quality of life. 

If you are experiencing pain, swelling, stiffness, or other symptoms of long-term inflammation, talk to your healthcare practitioner. A healthcare practitioner can run some tests and evaluate and find better ways to help provide relief.

Symptoms of acute inflammation include pain and swelling (Smith, L. 1991).

*fisiocrem Joint ease is for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with mild forms of arthritis.


Treatment of acute inflammation usually involves anti-inflammatory drugs. These may be in the form of tablets, such as NSAID’s, creams or gels, or other self-care remedies (Smith, L. 1991). Swelling and pain can be reduced with these treatments.

An anti-inflammatory diet can have anti-inflammatory effects (Galland, L. 2010). This diet includes fruits such as tomatoes, vegetables, leafy greens, olive oil, nuts, legumes, and grains.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

Are topical anti-inflammatory creams effective?

Topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are an alternative to oral NSAID’s (Klinge, S., Sawyer, G. 2015). 

Topical anti-inflammatory and analgesic creams are effective in relieving pain. They can help with acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders, such as mild arthritis, mild osteoarthritis, medically diagnosed tendonitis, and muscle pain. They also provide relief for sprains and strains, as well as overuse injuries (Haroutiunian, S., Drennan, D., & Lipman, A. 2010).

How does an anti-inflammatory cream work?

How to apply a topical anti-inflammatory gel/analgesic cream?

Topical anti-inflammatories influence the particular area that you apply them to. When applied topically the cream/gel is absorbed into your skin. They then move deeper targeting areas of the body where there is inflammation. When applied to the affected area, topical anti-inflammatory creams and gels relieve pain and reduce swelling.

Apply to the affected area and massage into the skin gently. Massaging the product into the skin will increase the blood flow to the affected area. Always wash your hands after application to avoid rubbing the gel or cream into a sensitive area such as the eyes. Ensure that you do not apply the topical cream on broken skin.

Topical anti-inflammatories can be applied 2-4 times daily. However, read the label and follow the directions for use before applying.

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fisiocrem Solugel

Is an over the counter anti-inflammatory for muscle pain.

fisiocrem Solugel is a topical cream designed to relieve muscle pain and relieve inflammation. Its active ingredients include Arnica, Hypericum, Calendula, and Melaleuca. These active ingredients work together to provide anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and healing effects, reducing swelling, pain, and stiffness in affected muscles. fisiocrem Solugel is perfect for use after exercise or any physical activity that causes muscle pain or soreness.

When applying fisiocrem Solugel, apply a few grams to the affected area 3 to 4 times daily, or as required. Massage fisiocrem Solugel in as required.

If symptoms persist consult your health care practitioner. This is only for external use. Do not use fisiocrem on broken skin. You should avoid contact with your eyes. 

Before using an anti-inflammatory cream for children, always read the product label and consult your general practitioner. For children under 3 years of age, please consult your general practitioner before using fisiocrem. 

If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small patch of skin before applying it to a larger area. If sensitivity develops discontinue use. Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

fisiocrem Joint Ease

Topical anti-inflammatory for the temporary relief of mild arthritis, mild osteoarthritis, and joint pain. 

fisiocrem Joint ease, on the other hand, is a targeted cream that helps relieve joint pain and inflammation. It contains active ingredients such as Arnica, Calendula, and Boswellia, which are well-known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

These ingredients work in unison. They reduce inflammation, swelling, pain, and stiffness in joints affected by certain conditions. These conditions include mild arthritis, and mild osteoarthritis.

fisiocrem Joint Ease is simple to use. It can be included as part of your daily routine. This will help to reduce joint pain and inflammation.

When applying fisiocrem Joint Ease, apply a few grams to the affected area 3 to 4 times daily, or as required. If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small patch of skin before applying it to a larger area. If sensitivity develops discontinue use. Always read the label and follow the directions for use. For use on children under 3 years of age, please consult your general practitioner prior to use.

Please note: fisiocrem Joint Ease is not recommended for use by pregnant or lactating women. 

Shop fisiocrem Joint Ease for mild arthritis, mild osteoarthritis and joint pain.

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  1. Galland, L. (2010). Diet and inflammation. In search of the optimal diet. Volume 25 (6) 634-640.
  2. Haroutiunian, S., Drennan, D., & Lipman, A. (2010). Topical NSAID Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain. Pain Medicine, 11(4), 535-549.
  3. Klinge, S., Sawyer, G. (2015). Effectiveness and Safety of Topical versus Oral Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs: A Comprehensive Review. The Physician and Sports medicine. Volume 41 (2) 64-74.
  4. Kumar, R., Clermont, G., Vodovotz, Y., & Chow, C. (2004). The dynamics of acute inflammation. Journal Of Theoretical Biology, 230(2), 145-155.
  5. Scott, A. (2004). What is “inflammation”? Are we ready to move beyond Celsus?. British Journal Of Sports Medicine, 38(3), 248-249.
  6. Smith, L. (1991). Acute inflammation: the underlying mechanism in delayed onset muscle soreness? Medicine and science in sport and exercise. Retrieved from

Arnica Montana

Arnica cream, a popular remedy, has gained significant attention for its potential to alleviate pain and inflammation. Arnica Montana also know as mountain daisy, leopard’s bane and mountain tobacco is a perennial herb. Arnica is a plant that can grow up to 2 feet tall and has bright orange-yellow flowers that resemble daisies. It grows in meadows and mountains in Europe and western North America (Kouzi, S., & Nuzum, D. 2007).

People in Europe and North America have been utilising arnica for many years. It helps to reduce pain and swelling from injuries such as sprains, bruises, and cuts. 

There are various species of arnica. The dried flower head is usually the part used to make medicine. (Kouzi, S., & Nuzum, D. 2007).

Arnica Montana is a renowned medicinal plant. It is widely used to address various ailments and to assist with pain management (Iannitti, T., Morales-Medina, J., Bellavite, P., Rottigni, V., & Palmieri, B. 2016). Studies have found that the plant extract possesses anti-inflammatory properties (Kriplani, P., Guarve, K., & Baghael, U. 2017).

Arnica has been found to help improve and promote blood flow to the skin.

Arnica is used in many forms. These include creams, gels, ointments, tablets, and homeopathic remedies, to alleviate muscle soreness, joint pain, and inflammation. fisiocrem Solugel and fisiocrem Joint Ease are two topical pain relief products that utilise the powerful properties of arnica.

Arnica cream

Arnica bruise cream

A bruise or contusion results from a skin or soft tissue injury. Bruises occur often within everyday life, such as accidental falls, hitting hard objects, or when performing sports exercises. Bruising occurs when an injury damages the blood vessel underneath the skin, causing bleeding under the skin to occur (Urakov, A. 2020).

Arnica acts by stimulating your body’s natural healing process, promoting the healing of bruises. Topical arnica increases blood flow to the skin of the body helping to relieve bruise pain and swelling. Arnica helps relieve symptoms of soft tissue trauma and assists in the healing of minor body tissue injuries.

Arnica and mild arthritis, mild osteoarthritis, and joint pain.

As Arnica helps to enhance and promote healthy bloody circulation, it is a commonly used ingredient within many treatments for mild arthritis. This is due to mild arthritis causing a decrease in joint oxygen saturation. Arnica has also been proven to relieve mild joint inflammation, reduce swelling, and relieve mild joint pain and soreness.

A study on arnica explored the effectiveness of topical Arnica montana gels for mild knee osteoarthritis. The study found that applying the gel to the knee twice a day for three to six weeks had positive effects. People experienced less pain, stiffness, and better function than when they began (Knuesel, O., Weber, M., & Suter, A. 2002.)

*fisiocrem Joint ease is for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with mild forms of mild arthritis.

Topical Arnica cream

Topical gels containing arnica may help to soothe mild arthritic pain when applied to areas of inflammation and soreness (Ravikumar, C. 2014).

fisiocrem - Arnica oil extraction

The Arnica oil used within both fisiocrem Solugel and fisiocrem Joint Ease is extracted at our very own purpose-built facility. We have complete control over how we process and extract the Arnica oil and other active ingredients used within our formulas. This allows us to provide only the highest quality of active ingredients within our formulations.

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Arnica in fisiocrem Solugel

Arnica cream for muscle aches & pains, sprains and strains.

fisiocrem Solugel is a topical pain relief cream for the temporary relief of muscular aches and pains. fisiocrem Solugel contains a blend of naturally derived active ingredients, including arnica. The cream is designed to provide relief for muscle pain, and inflammation.

Arnica is a key ingredient in fisiocrem Solugel because of its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. The cream is quickly absorbed by the skin. It doesn’t leave a greasy residue. This makes it a favorite among those who don’t want an invasive way to manage pain.

fisiocrem Solugel’s combination of active ingredients provides the following benefits:

  • Helps relieve symptoms of muscle soreness
  • Helps relieve pain associated with minor injuries
  • Helps reduce mild muscle inflammation and swelling
  • Helps with post-exercise recovery
  • Helps relieve symptoms of muscle sprains and strains

When applying fisiocrem Solugel, apply a few grams to the affected area 3 to 4 times daily, or as required. Massage fisiocrem Solugel in as required.

If symptoms persist consult your health care practitioner. This is only for external use. Do not use fisiocrem on broken skin. You should avoid contact with your eyes. 

Before using an anti-inflammatory cream for children, always read the product label and consult your general practitioner. For children under 3 years of age, please consult your general practitioner before using fisiocrem. 

If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small patch of skin before applying it to a larger area. If sensitivity develops discontinue use. Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

Shop fisiocrem Solugel for muscular aches and pains in-store at your local pharmacy, Coles, Woolworths, and Chemist Warehouse. Shop fisiocrem direct and online with all orders receiving free shipping. fisiocrem Solugel is available in 3 sizes, 60g, 120g, and 250g tubes.

Travelers and on-the-go people will love our small tubes. Keep one in your gym bag and handbag. The medium size is suitable to have on your desk at work. Our largest 250g tube is just what your need for relief at home.

When applying fisiocrem Solugel, apply a few grams to the affected area 3 to 4 times daily, or as required. Massage fisiocrem Solugel in as required.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

fisiocrem Joint Ease

Arnica pain relief cream

fisiocrem Joint Ease is a gel for temporary pain relief.

It helps to reduce symptoms associated with mild arthritis and mild osteoarthritis.

It also helps to relieve joint pain. fisiocrem Joint ease is designed to support joint health and reduce inflammation.

The topical gel contains a blend of natural active ingredients. These ingredients include arnica, boswellia, and nigella. These ingredients work together to provide pain relief and support joint health.

Arnica is a key ingredient in fisiocrem Joint Ease because of its anti-inflammatory properties. The topical gel is easy to use and has minimal side effects.

fisiocrem Joint Ease’s combination of active ingredients provides the following benefits:

  • Helps promote healthy joint function
  • Helps relieve mild joint inflammation and swelling
  • Helps enhance joint mobility
  • Maintain joint mobility and flexibility.
  • Relieve mild joint stiffness
  • Relieve symptoms of mild arthritis and mild osteoarthritis
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Shop fisiocrem Joint Ease for mild arthritis, mild osteoarthritis and joint pain.

fisiocrem Joint Ease is available in 100g and 150g.

When applying fisiocrem Joint Ease, apply a few grams to the affected area 3 to 4 times daily, or as required. Massage fisiocrem Joint Ease in as required.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use. 


  1. Iannitti, T., Morales-Medina, J., Bellavite, P., Rottigni, V., & Palmieri, B. (2016). Effectiveness and Safety of Arnica montana in Post-Surgical Setting, Pain and Inflammation. American Journal Of Therapeutics, 23(1), e184-e197. 
  2. Kriplani, P., Guarve, K., & Baghael, U. (2017). Arnica montana L. – a plant of healing: review. Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmacology, 69(8), 925-945.
  3. Knuesel, O., Weber, M., & Suter, A. (2002).  Advances In Therapy, 19(5), 209-218.
  4. Kouzi, S., & Nuzum, D. (2007). Arnica for bruising and swelling. American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy, 64(23), 2434-2443.
  5. Ravikumar, C. (2014). Journal of pharmaceutical sciences and research, Vol. 6(9) 310-312.
  6. Urakov, A. (2020). What are bruises? Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Remedies. 5(1) 1-5.

Meet fisiocrem sponsored athlete Sarah, a mother of two with a passion for trail running and no intentions of stopping now.

Sarah’s favourite activity will always be running. She always gives 110% effort and has a structured mentality heading into each race. She says, “I’m determined to cross the finish line with a sense of accomplishment and pride.”

Currently, Sarah is eagerly preparing for the upcoming Gold Coast marathon in July, which will mark her fourth marathon to date. What makes this marathon particularly special is that it will be her first after becoming a mother. Sarah understands the challenges that come with balancing her responsibilities as a parent with her rigorous training regimen.

When asked about who supports and motivates her Sarah says, “My family and coach are my biggest pillars of support and inspiration. Their unwavering belief in me allows me to pursue my training with immense gratitude. I am genuinely thankful for them all.”


Sarah says, ‘‘Attempting some form of strength training is very important. Also jumping onto the foam roller and drinking plenty of fluids is crucial.”

"I love working hard and seeing my hard work pay off."

Meet fisiocrem sponsored athlete Rhys, a father of two with a passion for ultra running and photography/videography.

Rhys’ favourite activity at the moment is running, particularly on trails. He has traveled extensively throughout Australia to discover new trails and take in the stunning scenery the country has to offer. He says, “Running is a passion and I enjoy the physical and mental benefits it provides.”

Rhys accomplished a remarkable fitness feat by completing the Blackall 100, a 100km ultra trail race, in 2021. Despite only commencing his running journey two years prior and having one half marathon road race under is belt, Rhys undertook this challenge. Notably, he had never previously participated in a trail event and his longest training run had been 37.5km. Regrettably, Rhys encountered significant sciatic pain upon reaching the 64km checkpoint. Nevertheless, he found satisfaction in having achieved this considerable distance and was prepared to withdraw from the race at that point. Rhys credits his wife, Colleen, for inspiring him to persevere, and after an additional 7 hours of determination and grit, he ultimately triumphed and celebrated with his son Hendrix at the finish line. This unforgettable experience ignited Rhys’s passion for ultra trail running and demonstrated the remarkable capabilities of the human body.

Rhy’s fisiocrem GC30 training routine typically includes running on the roads for 4 days and running on the trails for 2 days per week. Rhys incorporate an interval session each week to elevate his heart rate and dedicates the rest of the training to maintaining a low heart rate. Additionally, Rhy enjoys a daily 20-minute pilates session focusing on either legs or core. He also regularly uses a foam roller to help prevent injuries. He says, “I am extremely motivated and ensure I dedicate 6 days a week to training. Another major goal is that I want to continue to influence as many people as possible to take up running and experience the runners high.”

When asked about who supports and motivates him Rhys says, “My family and of course my sponsors provide me with the motivation and support to make my goals become reality.”


‘‘Try to have at least one day off per week to rest the body and mind, as it gives the body time to repair and strengthen before another week of training.”

“I want running to change people’s lives as it changed mine.”

Meet fisiocrem sponsored athlete Mark, a father of two girls and a training consultant within the meat industry.

Mark’s favourite sport is a combination of running and cycling. He loves variety, adventures, and meeting different people while staying fit. His goal with his fitness journey is “to inspire as many people as possible.” Mark encourages everyone to get out there and have some fun!

Mark’s most significant fitness achievement has been training for his first marathon in 2020 and completing his first ultra-marathon just four weeks later. It may sound crazy, but he finds it incredible what our bodies can accomplish. “I’m grateful for my coach, who helped me realise my limits and what goals I can reach.”

Mark is an active person who prefers to train toward a goal. This year, he was aiming to participate in the Peaks Challenge Falls Creek, which unfortunately got cancelled. But, he recently won fisiocrem’s Gold Coast Marathon Grand prize and he says, “I am excited to participate in my second marathon this year.”

When asked about who supports and motivates him Mark says, “My wife and two young daughters. They allow me to chase my goals and do what I love. I hope my fitness journey will inspire them to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.”


“I believe nothing beats a good night’s sleep to recharge for the next day.”

“I want to inspire as many people as possible to have fun while running.”

Meet fisiocrem sponsored athlete Mark, just an ordinary athlete living his extraordinary life through the running community.

Mark’s main sport is running, which has taken over as his top activity! He is constantly on the hunt for more events to enter and to represent the purple army in anyway he can. Mark says, “I love the community spirit, engagement and accomplishment of park runs.”

Mark’s biggest achievement to date was completing the fisiocrem River Run, after suffering a serious knee injury the year prior. He mentioned, “I stupidly competed in the event and suffered my first and only ‘Did Not Finish’ result. So coming back from that setback at last year’s event crushed the demons that haunted me.”

One of Mark’s biggest weaknesses is to “keep pushing through the tough part of the run.” He understands that to improve this he needs to “learn to pace the first part of the run and stretch the effort over the whole run.”

As Mark plans for the 2023 calendar, he wants to keep enjoying the excitement of racing and crossing each finish line again and again. Although his eyes are set on completing the Kakoda track in Papua New Guinea for his 50th birthday. Mark says, “I’m not setting any expectations for myself and just enjoying the thrills.”

When asked about who supports and motivates him Mark says, “My partner Karena, along with the love and support from my running tribe, which is second to none.”


“My top recovery tip is to consume quality nutrition and getting enough rest is the most important thing for recovery.’’

“No matter what your running abilities or difficulties may be, we run together.”

Meet fisiocrem sponsored athlete Carly, a devoted mum of two who works in the education sector and is also a director of her local park run. Carly began running in 2015, as she’s not very coordinated “it was also a way of managing my anxiety.” She worked her way up from struggling to run 100m to having now completed multiple marathons and ultramarathons.

Carly’s biggest achievement to date is completing a 50km Ultra Marathon during her house renovations! After her race was rescheduled, she also had to face working/parenting obstacles to overcome in order to complete the race. She mentioned, “it was probably one of the hardest things I have ever done.” All the early morning runs followed by long workdays, saw Carly conquer her Ultra Marathon goal!

One of Carly’s biggest weaknesses is her strength training. She says, “It seems to be the first thing I drop when I have limited time and have to set myself a goal to incorporate strength sessions into my future training plans.”

Carly always sets herself a goal to achieve each year. Her 2023 goal is to complete another Ultra Marathon and break the 50km+ distance. Carly says, “I want to see how capable I am both physically and mentally.” Carly will hire a coach to improve her physical strength.

When asked about who supports and motivates her Carly says, “My two boys, along with my husband support me in all aspects of life. They remind me that running makes me a better mum because it’s an outlet to de-stress.”


“My top recovery tip is having a nice hot shower and long stretch before bed to improve your recovery.”

“I follow a lot of athletes on social media and take inspiration from them.”

Meet fisiocrem sponsored athlete Chelsea, a mum of four working in retail. Chelsea found her feet with running back in 2020, after
losing 60kg to improve her overall health.

Chelsea absolutely loves all types of terrains, but mostly enjoys climbing the muddy mountains during her adventurous trail runs in nature. Chelsea says, “It’s a big relief for me in my mind and helps me refresh and reflect.”

Chelsea’s biggest achievement is running her first Half Marathon back in 2020, followed by her first Ultra Marathon (50km) at the annual Blackall event. Chelsea says, “this was the hardest mental challenge I’ve ever faced, while my mind felt destroyed with all the emotions.” Chelsea has now completed a total of four Ultra Marathons (50km). Her 2023 goals are to tackle more difficult mountain terrains on various trail runs, complete more night runs, and step out of her comfort zone. She wants to become the best version of herself by limiting any self-doubt.


“My top recovery tip is having a nice yoga stretch before bed to improve your recovery.”

“I absolutely love showing myself what I’m capable of and turning the impossible into reality. Stretching and strength are my biggest weaknesses. I have now found an amazing physiotherapist that helps me navigate my way through injuries, helping get me back on track. When asked about who supports and motivates her; Chelsea says, “My family, friends, and myself all motivate me to be the best I can be.

Meet fisiocrem sponsored athlete Nicole, a lawyer, mum, ultra runner, Master of Law student, and founder of BYU Australia – home of the Backyard Ultra race calendar for Australia.

Nicole’s sport is the Backyard Ultra. The BYU format was designed by Lazarus Lake (creator of Barkley Marathons) and consists of a 6.7km look every hour on the hour until only one person is left standing. Nicole says, ‘‘This format has made its way all over the world and is fast becoming THE ultra format.’’

Nicole’s biggest achievement to date is being the first and currently the only Australian female to ever win a backyard Ultra Worldwide. She achieved this at the States of Origin Backyard Ultra 2022 hosted by AAA racing. Nicole has also set the female course record at Dead Cow Gully Backyard Ultra 2022, which stands as her personal backyard Ultra PB.

Nicole’s main focus over the last couple of years has been trying to perfect the BYU format. Most of her training is specifically focused on the BYU format. She has been preparing both physically and mentally. Nicole says, ‘‘Physical fitness will only get you so far in a backyard ultra. At the end of the day, if you want to go long, you need the mental toughness to get you there.’’

When asked about who supports and motivates her Nicole says, “my run group, RunCo, and coach Andy Dey, my crew woman and best friend, Leah, and my long run partner, Jason as well as the BYU Australia Community. The BYU community is extremely motivating and supportive. It is a really special group where we have created a space for anyone interested in this format to get advice and inspiration from beginners to seasoned Backyard Ultra runners.  Everyone cheers each other on and celebrates everyone’s achievements, no matter what they are.

I couldn’t do what I do without these people!  But what particularly motivates me is the opportunity to get better, reach my personal goals and outdo myself.”

When asked about her biggest weaknesses and what she is doing to improve it, Nicole say’s,  ”My biggest weakness at the moment is my lack of strength training.  My coach is always on my case about it, and it features on my plan each week, but I don’t always get to it.  I am trying to find the time to priorities it.  I have a big 2023 coming up and focusing on strength and recovery is going to play a huge role in keeping me physically able to show up.”


After a tough session, Nicole says, ‘‘I massage my legs before bed so I always wake up feeling ready to go again with no muscle fatigue or soreness.’’

”The first and currently the only Australian female to ever win a Backyard Ultra worldwide.’’

Meet fisiocrem sponsored athlete Christie, a sports dietitian and age-group Australian representative triathlete. She’s recently become a triathlon coach, as a result of loving all things swim-bike-run. “I’ve competed in three x age group triathlon world champs and came second in 2019 at Multisport WC in standard duathlon (10km run/40km ride/5km run). I wasn’t the greatest runner when I was younger, but now I love it!”

Christie has been doing long course racing for the past few years and is now getting back into the Olympic/standard distance racing. Her
biggest achievement was coaching herself through a trail marathon in Portugal and then completing an Ironman triathlon. Christie says, “one of the key factors attributed to completing these events was listening to my body to help balance fatigue and minimise injury, to help push further each time.”

Christie is planning to run the 12km distance again at this year’s fisiocrem GC50 Run Festival. She placed 3rd overall last year and is attempting to hit a new PB time. “I’ve come off half ironman training, so now I’m focusing on some speed with my favourite intervals (2:3 on/off)”. Her current schedule includes hill running, interval training, the correct nutrition and park runs.


“My top recovery tip is to eat! Fuelling before and after training or exercise is so important. Particularly when training everyday or double session days, if you’re managing injury or are getting older. My favourite post training fuel is a milky coffee and egg muffin, or a banana berry milk smoothie.”

“My internal drive helps me push and see what I’m actually capable of doing. Stretching and doing yoga is one of my biggest weaknesses. Which is the first thing that seems to go when time is poor. I’m trying to schedule it into the calendar and get it ticked off. I might need to add a yoga session into my fisiocrem application time.” When asked about who supports and motivates her Christie says, “My husband, my little puppy (Millie), my family and close friends. Someone is always at my events to cheer me on, and that’s the best.”

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