fisiocrem takes five with… Kel

What sport do you participate in?
Marathon/Endurance Running

What is your greatest sporting achievement?

Running my first marathon in 4:59’28 and now since completed a total of 3 marathons. My greatest achievement is really still to come running in the 2018 New York Marathon.

When was the first time that you realised that your sport was becoming your passion?

I started running the City2Surf 12 years ago and loved running it each year. It wasn’t until I ran my first marathon in 2015 that I started to become obsessed with improving my marathon running times and training hard to achieve that goal. Now my goal has shifted beyond just running the 2018 New York Marathon to completing the six world major marathons and making a business out of running endurance events (run clubs and coaching etc)

What is your favourite part of competing?

I like challenging myself to achieve the best that I can achieve. I also love the comradely of the other runners in the running community.

What does a standard days training consist of?

I train six days per week and it usually starts at 5:30 am where I will get ready for my run and undertake some dynamic stretching before heading out for a run. These runs could be 1hr 20min Progressive Run; 30min easy run (5k); Intervals; Intervals and Threshold runs; Fartlek runs; 44min easy run (7k); Parkrun (5k) and a long run on Sundays (anywhere from 18k to 38k). I will return to home and undertake some post run stretching and drink a protein shake after the hard and long runs. I will then shower and get ready for work. Before getting dressed for work I will normally apply some Fisiocream and do some foam rolling. After work I will undertake some additional foam rolling and apply some more Fisiocream on those days where the legs are a little stiff and sore. Then its is usually early to bed 9pm. As the training year progresses I will most likely undertake another run in the afternoons after work to build the distance up.

What is the most important aspect of your training?

Consistency is really important in endurance training and this can be quite challenging to an amateur athlete especially when you have work and family commitments to attend to. But by being consistent you will find that the speed and endurance comes easier.

What does a standard post-event recovering consist of?

Usually after a marathon or even a half marathon I will usually undertake a short cool down run and then hit the recovery tent and try and get a quick massage to get some of the latic acid out of my legs. Then after a shower at home I will usually apply Fisiocream and get into some compression tights to assist in the recovery.

What is your ultimate sporting goal?

I think at this point in time it is to complete the Six World Major Marathons (London, Berlin, Tokyo, Chicago, Boston and New York), but I would also like to represent my country at some point in my life in the Masters (if my speed improves)

Who is your sporting idol and why?

I have a number of them and it would depend on the sports. When it comes to Road racing I am inspired by Kurt Fearnley (Para athlete) he is just an amazing athlete and so humble as well. I watched him last year come third in Boston and then follow it up a week later with a second in London. Being able to push a wheelchair that fast across 42.2 km is amazing. I also love Robert De Costella and Steve Moneghetti both legends in marathon running. I still remember watching Rob and his marathon win in the Commonwealth Games.

What advice would you give to someone that is interested in taking up your sport?
Join a local group of runners like Boobs on the Run (women) or Running Science as it is so much easier and inspiring to run in a supportive group than running on your own. Don’t get caught up with times and paces etc just run as far as you can and don’t be afraid to walk if necessary. Then get out and do it the next day and the next. Enjoy your improvement and celebrate it with others.

What is the biggest challenge you face when competing?

For me I am only racing myself at the moment and there are times and days when mentally I know I am capable of so much more but I give into the pain associated with the race. It is this mental strength that sometimes lets me down instead of pushing through the barrier and coming out a better athlete on the other side.

What’s your favourite thing about fisiocrem (‘that it’s free’ is not the correct answer!)?

I was amazed the first time I tried fisiocream after the 2016 Gold Coast Marathon that it took most of the DOMS out of my legs and I was functioning so much quicker than the previous year. It really made a huge difference to my recovery and it continues to do so.

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I ran my first marathon in 2015 and felt like I would never be able to walk properly again. Naturally I did but it took me some time. I was so amazed when I tried fisiocream after my second Gold Coast marathon in that shortly after applying it to my legs I was walking normally. I now use fisiocream after all my hard and long runs and it helps me recover that much quicker. It really is worth trying it out and seeing the difference it can make to your recovery and training.

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