Introducing fisiocrem sponsored athlete Joel, an active runner and dedicated family man based on the Gold Coast. 

In 2017, while living in Tasmania, Joel experienced atrial fibrillation and briefly flatlined in the hospital. This resulted in him being on beta blockers and aspirin for 12 to 18 months, which led to a significant decline in his physical activity. He struggled to even mow the lawn without feeling exhausted, contributing to considerable weight gain. In 2019, his family relocated to the Gold Coast, where doctors cleared him to resume an active lifestyle. Inspired by the fitness culture, Joel embarked on his running journey, well after believing he would never be active again.

Joel likes to inject some humour into his race day routine to ease his nerves. In addition to that, he ensures he has trained sufficiently to meet his goals and has a solid race day plan in place. He approaches goal setting with a “good, better, best” framework, allowing for unexpected circumstances that may arise during a race. “On race day I make sure I have planned for details like finding parking, doing my warm-up, and knowing how to reach my start zone. All of which help reduce my anxiety.”

Joel grew up running in Launceston, Tasmania, a city rich with stunning landscapes ideal for jogging. “I lived near an area that connected several picturesque spots, creating fantastic running loops.” Some of these spots included: Cataract Gorge, Duck Reach Power Station, and Trevallyn Dam. These locations provided a variety of trails, ranging from paved paths to rugged terrain, featuring steep hills and numerous stairs. After heavy rain or during water releases for power generation, the sight of the powerful white water rushing over the dam walls was truly breathtaking. “However, coastal sunrise runs on the Gold Coast were equally spectacular.”

Joel says, “My wife and children. They are my greatest motivators and supporters, inspiring me to set an example of a healthy and active lifestyle. Also for accepting the need for more running shoes even though I just bought a pair.”

His wife puts up with the alarm going off every 10 minutes until he finally wakes up for his morning runs. She also drives the kids around during his races. Joel’s son, who is becoming quite fast, believes he will soon outpace his dad, which drives Joel to train hard to maintain his title as the fastest in the household for as long as he can.

The most memorable experiences in Joel’s life from running largely stem from the lifelong friendships he has formed through the sport rather than the running itself. “My best friend, who is also a runner, connected in high school in Tasmania where we frequently trained together.” They participated in national events, competing both alongside and against each other. Now, nearly 30 years later, their friendship, rooted in their shared passion for running, continues to thrive.


Joel’s top recovery tips are, “It’s crucial to respect the effort involved by allowing your body enough recovery time between activities. Also, a post-race massage is essential for aiding that recovery.”